February 19, 2006

Once We Were Fairies 2

Alan has just decamped to the Pyrenees to redraw the trailer, in the meantime he has, in his own words been 'doodling'.

Don't know about you but the splash of the fairy storm made me go SQUEEEEEE!

Frequent Flyers 2

Bad news is the book won't be ready for Bristol Comics Expo in May. But we are using the time well. Cosmo White who's take on our heroes can be seen above is doing a 5 page Ultronix story and I'm working on some text pieces.

You will be able to get 'Going Straight' in Underfire Comics Presents which will be on sale with a cover by Flyers CoCreator Iain Buchanan and there's a three page preview on http://bristolpreview.engine4.net

For more of Cosmo's work check out this amazing cover for top 2000AD zine Zarjaz

deleted scenes

'Deleted Scenes' is a short gag strip that doesn't allow it's love of SF to blunt it's
black humour or it's darkness to consume it's tender soul.
The first installments reveal the fabled lost ending of ET and a heartbreaking incident in cinema's greatest love triangle.
You know, the one we all pretend never happened.
Future installments reveal Aladdin's one true wish, the real threat of Hitchcock's Birds and the hidden meaning of Blade Runner.

Here are a couple of extracts by series artist David Gooding.


top news. The fantastic Amera Mussa has started work on 'Eloise' my children's story about a little girl and the secret life of the butterfly. The book will be a mix of watercolours and computer colouring. I'll post you some images as soon as she'll let me. In the meantime here are some sketches I did for the 'script'.

Why Can't I Be You?

One shot with Mick Trimble appearing in some form somewhere soon.

"Your mobile. Your last 20 quid. Your underwear.
Your body???
There's a limit to what your boyfriend can borrow"

Artist Wanted: Kar-lin's Last Summer 2

Still looking for an artist for this seiries. (See earlier Artist' Wanted post). Dan Bell has kindly drawn up a few test pages for us. This incident takes place at the start of episode two, the increasingly insane Karlin decides to reinforce his alien superiority and blow off steam by picking a fight. Denny admires the picture that got him his first psychiatrist. And Karlin can no longer deny his health problems. The script is 4 five page episodes. If you're interested drop us an email.

Dan Bell's fantastic fantasy epic Mountain Rex, (think Gormenghast with sex and violence) is available from Underfire Comics now.